An Active Support Unit is a group of adults who have one thing in common – a wish to support Scouting. Galloway District Scout Active Support Unit welcomes men and women of all ages, interests and backgrounds. There is no need to have been involved in Scouting or Guiding before. All that is required is a willingness to give some of your time to Scouting. In return you will make friends and be able to join with others doing whatever you decide.
Galloway District Scout Active Support’s main aim is to actively promote and support Scouting in the district. This is achieved in various ways from support at District events to cutting grass at Shorefield our local camp site.
Members meet formally four times a year of which one meeting is their AGM, while the rest of their activities are on a flexible and fun basis.
Should you wish to contact the Active Support Unit for more details on how to become a member please contact Nigel Scott by clicking here
The benefits of the Scout Support Unit:
Can provide an adult with the opportunity to become connected to Scouting.
Can help an individual find their own place in Scouting by providing links and introductions within the Galloway Area.
Meets regularly but members can join in any way that suits them.
Can provide Active Support to Scouting either through regular commitments or through responding to calls for help on specific issues.
Enables members to keep in touch with friends they have made in Scouting, and make new ones.
Come and join us and help support young people in your area!